Friday, 21 September 2007

Bob Crowe?

Never mind people talking about other people at some time or other. Everyone's talking about Bob Crowe. Which look will he go with next?

The smart money was with the 'La Paz, Bolivia' look. The bowler hat and skirts. But quite recently, he's gone with the flat-capped New Yorker. 'This guy's got balls. Bob T. Crowe they call him. T for trouble. Troubles' his middle name. I tell yer, he ain't happy unless he's in a major dispute.'

But there's more to the look than glitzing up for the trades union leader pull-out of Hello magazine. All the indications are that Bob Crowe is 'trading in' on a far longer association with the North American continent. The clue is in the name. Sitting Bull, Bob Crowe. Everything points to Bob Crowe being the offspring of illiterate Native American parents. The surname spelt incorrectly. There's a clue. That's like spelling sparrow, 'sparrowe'. And then there's the grammar. What was that animal doing? The bull was sitting. Presumably the crow was bobbing, like a bird that has settled in undulating water. So, what's the next look Bobbing Crow?

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